5 Clothing Tricks Every Man Should Know | Tucked Trunks.com
We are men. Men like simple. So whether you are going to your next important business meeting, getting a promotion or you just want to read this because you’re about to buy your first suit, don’t worry we have compiled a few tips here so that you can look like a boss (even if you aren’t a boss). Before we get into the 5 tricks, one of the most important essentials / tricks all me should know/have in their wardrobe are Tucked Trunks boxer briefs seen here:
If you are a gentlemen and are planning on looking sharp effortlessly definitely check them out here and save 15% with code: PIN15 at checkout!
1. The Shoulder-Wall-Trick

What does this method do?
This method is the oldest method in the book. It basically helps you to figure out if you’ve got a little too much “pad” in your suit shoulders.
How do you perform this simple trick?
Easy. You simply grab your blazer , suit jacket, or sports coat and put it on, button it and then find a straight wall (obviously) and lean up against the wall. Essentially what you want to happen is as pictured in the image above, you want the shoulder with the pad to hit the wall almost at the same exact time. If you see a wrinkle on the top part of the shoulder, that means that you have a little too much pad going on and should get a different fitting jacket. If your shoulder hits the wall at the same time and you do not see the wrinkle, you are all set to go!
2. The HUG Test

What does this method do?
Basically this just keeps you from bursting out of your suit jacket while giving your wife or girlfriend a hug!
How do you perform this simple trick?
Put your shirt , suit jacket, sport jack on and pretend that you’re going to hug someone. If it feels like your button is going to fly off or you are about to burst out of your shirt, then yeah, you guessed it, it’s probably too tight and doesn’t fit you properly. Your best bet is to just get a size up or just try the same size but maybe a different brand. Most of the times, the same size with a different brand will do the trick.
3. Jacket Length Trick

What does this method do?
This method helps you measure the coat length and ensure that it is the proper length for your body.
How do you perform this simple trick?
Put on your suit jacket, sports blazer and let your arms hang relaxed at your side. Curl your hand as seen in the image above so that your suit jacket rests flush with the crevice your hand has just made. If it is all bunched up, your jacket is way too long, if there are more than a few inches between the crevice and your jacket then it is simply too short for you.
4. Collar Sizing with Your Fingers

What does this method do?
Well, it just keeps you from choking or not being able to breathe while wearing your button down shirt!
How do you perform this simple trick?
Button your shirt all the way up and then try to stick a finger as seen in the picture above . If you can do this your shirt should be fitting perfectly, if you cannot even put a finger inside your collar, you might be struggling for air at that point. Some people say you should be able to fit two fingers inside the collar for the perfect fit but personally I think 1 is good, as long as you are not struggling for air, the fit is most likely fine.
5. Handshake Test / Suit-Test

What does this method do?
Helps you find the perfect jacket that moves with you with all movements!
How do you perform this simple trick?
If you haven’t experienced this once before, you’re bound to experience it at some point, but luckily right now you have the upper hand because you are reading this blog post so you are now equipped with the expertise to choose the right jacket that moves with you and doesn’t fight you. To do this, put your jacket on, button it, stand in front of the mirror and extend your hand out for a handshake. If the shoulders bunch up or lift up too much like you’re a puppet on strings, you need to find a new jacked with higher arm holes to prevent this from happening.
In conclusion, these are the 5 simple tricks that you can use every time that you go to purchase a suit. I’m sure if you are going to get your suits custom-made, you don’t really have too much to worry about but if you are getting them from a store, these are some useful tips that can help you make the right choices.
If you liked this article make sure to check out my article on the best shirt stays that help you keep your shirt tucked in while wearing suits here.
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